Stockport’s NHS Adult Community Eating Disorder Service, delivered by social enterprise Oakwood Psychology Services, is excited to launch FREED in October 2022.
The FREED pathway is available to clients aged 17.5 – 25, who have had an eating disorder for three years or less.
To mark the launch, Oakwood’s team held a Halloween party for service users, carers and loved ones, and guests from other services. The party included spooky homemade snacks and Halloween themed hot drinks. Guests and staff members dressed up and the building was full of cheerful witches, elves, bats, and angels and a Dalmation Lady.
Fun all round!
"We’re excited to launch the FREED model. It will make a difference to young people and their families when their lives are going through significant transitions and stages. Addressing eating problems early in their development is associated with better outcomes for young people."
Service Director Dr Gabriel Wynn
Eating disorders cause serious physical and mental health problems which can last decades and lead to significant disruption for young adults and their families if left untreated. The FREED model provides rapid access to high-quality care for people in the early stages of illness when treatment is most likely to be effective.
The implementation of FREED will transform the care of emerging adults suffering with eating disorders and enhances Oakwood’s existing pathways.
CBT therapist Radost Ruseva is Oakwood’s FREED Champion, responsible for setting up and running the pathway. Radost brings prior experience of managing early intervention counselling services for children and young people - providing emerging adults with the best chance of full eating disorder recovery.
Stockport residents benefit from Oakwood joining the national roll-out of the FREED model, supported by NHS England and NHS Improvement.
Sarah is the mother of Issy, a young person who received treatment through FREED. Sarah shares her experiences of living with and supporting Issy as she accessed treatment.
Sarah is the mother of Issy, a young person who received treatment through FREED. Sarah shares her experiences of living with and supporting Issy as she accessed treatment.