About the FREED Network

The FREED Network consists of all services using FREED – First Episode Rapid Early Intervention for Eating Disorders. The Network is coordinated by the FREED team at the South London and Maudsley NHS Foundation Trust Eating Disorder Service. However, collaboration and cross-site learning is encouraged across all services in the Network and the Maudsley team welcomes feedback and input from other services.

Register with FREED to access the professional training platform and toolkit – an online training package and implementation toolkit for services interested in adopting FREED. This material is free for NHS professionals but requires registration to access.

The Maudsley team provides training in FREED for all services joining the Network. This training is currently free for NHS services. Subsequently, learning events are arranged 1-2 times per year. These allow services in the Network to meet and collaborate and to hear of developments and outcomes across the FREED Network and in the field of early intervention for eating disorders.

Services involved in the FREED Network share a core set of de-identified data, including waiting times for treatment and basic clinical outcomes, on a quarterly basis. This information is reported as anonymous, pooled data for the FREED Network as a whole but each service also receives a summary of their local outcomes. Research collaboration is very welcome when services are interested in this.

FREED Network Members

Can I join the FREED Network?

Our goal is to help all NHS eating disorder services adopt FREED. If your service is interested, please contact Dannie and Jess, network leads, on freed@slam.nhs.uk. You may also want to download our quiz to see how ‘FREED Ready’ you are.

We are also interested in helping services outside of the UK adopt FREED. Again, if you are interested, please get in touch Dannie and Jess, network leads, on freed@slam.nhs.uk.

If you would like to share your experiences of having an eating disorder or receiving eating disorder treatment, or of caring for someone with an eating disorder, we would love to hear from you too. We continually evaluate what we do based on feedback from service users and the community.

The FREED team

Ulrike Schmidt

Professor of Eating Disorders (King's College London), Consultant Psychiatrist & FREED Executive Director (Maudsley)

Danielle Glennon

FREED National Head & Consultant Psychotherapist (Maudsley)

Karina Allen

FREED Consultant Clinical Psychologist (Maudsley) & Visiting Senior Lecturer (King's College London)

Jessica Griffiths

National Lead for FREED

Lucy Hyam

FREED PhD Student (King's College London)

Lucy Gallagher

Research Assistant, FREED Network

Jessica Wilkins

FREED PhD Student (King's College London) & Counselling Psychologist

Laura Mumford

Eating Disorders Therapist & FREED Champion (Leicestershire)

Hannah Hucklesby

Senior CBT Therapist & FREED Champion (St. Ann's)

Emma Petrova

Trainee Counselling Psychologist & FREED Champion (St Ann's)

Emer Quinn

Occupational Therapist & FREED Champion (CNWL)

Michelle Fiteni

Clinical Nurse Specialist & FREED Champion (CNWL)

Laura Young

Counselling Psychologist & FREED Champion (ELFT)

Jamila Harkin

Counselling Psychologist & FREED Champion (ELFT)

Lucy Owen

Counsellor & FREED Champion (SET CAMHS EDS, Essex)

Catherine White

Senior Specialist Nurse & FREED Champion (Kent & Medway)

Emma Gluyas

CBT Therapist & FREED Champion (SLaM)

Kirsty Manning

Counselling Psychologist & FREED Champion (South-West London & St George's)

Louise Gregor

Clinical Psychologist & FREED Champion (West London)

Tracy Teng

Principal Clinical Psychologist / Clinical Lead (West London)

Queen Nyandoro

Advanced Practitioner & FREED Champion (Cambridge)

Amy Brailey

Senior Eating Disorders Nurse & FREED Champion (Great Yarmouth & Waveney)

Beth Wilks

FREED Champion & Occupational Therapist (North East & West Essex)

Sarah Habberley

Senior Eating Disorders Practitioner & FREED Coordinator (South Essex)

Robyn Macdivitt

Trainee CB Therapist/FREED Coordinator (Birmingham & Solihull)

Rebecca Gordon

Clinical Psychologist & FREED Champion (Birmingham)

Nicola Timmis

FREED Champion (Black Country)

Katherine Webley

Team Manager/Nurse Therapist & FREED Champion (Derbyshire)

Ellie-May Watkins

Trainee Clinical Associate Psychologist & FREED Champion (Leicestershire)

Charlotte Long

Senior Eating Disorders Practitioner & FREED Co-ordinator (Lincolnshire)

Danielle Asquith

Nurse Specialist & FREED Co-ordinator (Lincolnshire CAMHS)

Lisa Sutherland

FREED Champion (North East Lincolnshire)

Sarah Bosworth

Senior Counselling Psychologist & FREED Champion (Northamptonshire)

Lindsey Thompson

FREED Champion (Northamptonshire)

Meghan O'Connor

Specialist Mental Health Practitioner & FREED Pathway Lead (Nottinghamshire)

Delysia McKnight

Advanced Practitioner & FREED Champion (North Staffordshire)

Jordan Ashfield

Nurse Therapist & FREED Champion (Midlands)

Victoria Frater

Specialist Eating Disorder Nurse & FREED Champion (Northumberland)

Victoria Turkington

Senior Eating Disorders Practitioner & FREED Champion (North Cumbria)

Camilla Parker

Specialist Eating Disorder Nurse & FREED Champion (Leeds & York)

Katie Whitworth

Clinical Specialist Practitioner & FREED Champion (Leeds & York)

David Tate

Senior Eating Disorders Practitioner & FREED Champion (Tees, Esk & Wear Valleys)

Kim Flockton

Clinical Lead (Hull)

Charlotte Terry

Eating Disorder Family Practitioner & FREED Champion (Hull)

Amy Flatley

Senior Eating Disorder Practitioner & FREED Coordinator (Cheshire & Wirral)

Kirstie O'Sullivan

Nurse Practitioner & FREED Practitioner (Chester)

Amy Walton

FREED Practitioner (Macclesfield)

Clare Goodlad

Eating Disorders Practitioner & FREED Practitioner (Warrington & Halton)

Ella Holloway

FREED Practitioner (Trafford)

Lucy Vowles

FREED Eating Disorder Practitioner (Bolton)

Zoe Tsivos

Clinical Psychologist/FREED Champion (Greater Manchester/Salford)

Siobhan Connor

Psychological Therapist & FREED Champion (Manchester)

Radost Ruseva

CBT Therapist & FREED Lead (Stockport)

Charlotte Dacey

FREED Champion & Clinical Psychologist (Liverpool & Sefton)

Mike Lewis

FREED Champion & Specialist Nurse (Liverpool)

Vicky Tinker

Clinical Psychologist & FREED Champion (Liverpool & Sefton)

Stephanie Wild

Senior Nurse Practitioner (Knowsley & St Helens)

Heidi Jackson

Mental Health Social Worker/Psychological Therapist & FREED Champion (Berkshire)

Rebecca Duff

Occupational Therapist & FREED Champion (Buckinghamshire)

Natalia Campos

Clinical Lead Nurse & FREED Champion (Oxford)

Liliosa Kupakuwana

Clinical Nurse Specialist & FREED Champion (Oxfordshire)

Sarah Macnab

Consultant Nurse Practitioner & FREED Champion (Wiltshire)

Liz May

Principal Clinical Psychologist & FREED Champion (Southern Health)

Louise Melhuish

Clinical Psychologist & FREED Champion (Hampshire)

Amy Conroy

CBT Therapist & FREED Champion (Surrey)

Claire Killengray

Mental Health Practitioner & FREED Champion (Surrey & Borders)

Emily Palmer

Clinical Psychologist & FREED Champion (Sussex)

Claire Main

Occupational Therapist & FREED Champion (Avon And Wiltshire)

Susan McNally

Clinical Psychologist & FREED Clinical Lead (Devon)

Vicky Smith

Senior Eating Disorder Practitioner & FREED Champion (Gloucestershire)

Georgia West

Specialist Nurse & FREED Champion (Plymouth)

Louise Willis-Richards

FREED Champion & Occupational Therapist (Cornwall)

Kimberley Payas Orford

Psychological Therapist & FREED Champion (Somerset)

Register with FREED to access the professional training platform and toolkit

An online training package and implementation toolkit for services interested in adopting FREED. This material is free for NHS professionals but requires registration to access.

Resources for healthcare professionals

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Helpful guides for healthcare professionals

Inspiring stories for healthcare professionals

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Helping patients and carers with FREED

Free to use and share with no registration required

Helpful guides to share with patients and carers

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Inspiring stories to share with patients and carers

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FREED Network Research

Part of what makes FREED special is that it is an evidence-based intervention. It was developed out of evidence and research, and it has been thoroughly evaluated so that we know it works.

This makes it really important that we continue to evaluate the effectiveness of FREED in different settings and for different patient groups. We ask all teams in the FREED Network to gather the same core strands of data and provide these to us so that we can build a national data set. This means that we can:

Further evaluate the effectiveness of FREED as a model of early intervention for eating disorders.

Help each partner site in the FREED Network to monitor the effectiveness of FREED in their service.

Better understand cost and cost-effectiveness of implementing FREED in UK services.

We welcome research collaboration from different groups and members of the FREED Network are also involved in other national and international research projects for eating disorders.

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